Eyebags, Shorelines, and Rocks When we talk about eyebags, we are focused on the obvious, which is that there is a protuberant bag of tissue. However, is this really the case in the majority of situations? My answer is no. What I oftentimes see is that the lower...
Category Archives: eyebag
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Fat Grafting Eyelid Series Part 2 of 2: Rethinking the Lower Eyelid
Fat Grafting Eyelid Series Part 2 of 2: Rethinking the Lower Eyelid This second article in the series focuses on techniques for lower eyelid rejuvenation. The traditional way to manage the lower-eyelid aging was through a cutting procedure that involved either a...
Fat Grafting: Rethinking Aging of the Face
Fat Grafting: Rethinking Aging of the Face A revolution is upon us today in how we see aging of the face and how we understand the aging process. In the past, the gravitational model held that all things fall including the brows, the eyelids, the cheeks, and the...