Type 1 and Type 2 Eyelids One of my colleagues came up with the distinction between two types of youthful eyelids. Type 1 is a very full upper eyelid that hangs almost over the eyeball itself (not quite). Type 2 eyelid is an eyelid that is much hollower but at the...
Category Archives: fillers
When Do I Do an Upper-Eyelid Blepharoplasty and How?
When Do I Do an Upper-Eyelid Blepharoplasty and How? But should we always just add fillers or fat to the upper frame of the eyelid and never remove any tissues? The answer is no. If the eyelid skin is above the eyelash margin, I rarely if ever remove skin. Filling...
When Do I Do a Lower-Eyelid Blepharoplasty and How?
When Do I Do a Lower-Eyelid Blepharoplasty and How? Like the upper eyelid, I find myself performing many more fat transfers to correct the aging process than traditional eyelid surgery. Further, if I perform a traditional lower-eyelid procedure I will almost always...
Why 3 Syringes of Fillers Can Look Overfilled and Why 30 May Not
Recently, I had a lady who at the age of 57 started modeling for the first time in her life thanks in large part to the syringes I have put into her face to make her look better. Her new boyfriend remarked that she looked better than she had when he saw her 7 years...
Correcting Fat Loss in IPL Damage: My Thoughts
Correcting Fat Loss in IPL Damage: My Thoughts Unfortunately, I have heard a lot on the Internet about facial fat loss following a laser treatment like intense pulsed light therapy, or IPL. Fortunately, I have never seen a patient of mine with this outcome. I think...
Recovery and Cost of Fillers vs. Fat Grafting
Recovery and Cost of Fillers vs. Fat Grafting I would like to focus on two specific pros and cons with fillers and fat transfer: cost and recovery. In the younger patient (under 35 years of age), fillers typically are the most affordable way to make a face look more...
Juvederm is My Preferred Choice for Facial Cosmetic Blending
In my effort to find the best filler experience for an individual, I am constantly evolving my injection filler methods and the preferred products that I use to accomplish those goals. In the past, I was a big advocate of Restylane injectable fillers but of late have...
Top 10 Things People Worry about After a Fat Transfer (During the Recovery Period)
Top 10 Things People Worry about After a Fat Transfer (During the Recovery Period) When I call one of my patients the night following a fat transfer procedure, I usually mention the top few things that can make them alarmed that will resolve over the period of the...
Cannulas for Facial Fillers: The Evolution of My Technique
Cannulas for Facial Fillers: The Evolution of My Technique Although I would estimate that only 1% of injectors currently use cannulas rather than standard needles to perform facial fillers, I truly believe that they have become the standard of care in my practice and...
Fat Grafting: A Little Everywhere
Fat Grafting: A Little Everywhere Good taste with clothing means that the items one wears are in harmony, possess style, cut well, and made of good material. Good cosmetic facial surgery is very similar. The products (materials) one uses can determine the outcome...