Procedures performed by facial plastic surgeon Dr. Sam Lam in Dallas, Frisco and Plano, TX.
The 73-year-old woman is shown before and three months after a cosmetic otoplasty to reduce protruding ears. She gives a testimonial of why she wanted to have this procedure done later in life.
This 46-year-old woman is 3 months out from a rhinoplasty with so far a great cosmetic result. The tip of the nose was refined and rotated and the bridge straightened, lowered, and narrowed. She gives a testimonial about the result. Watch her video at one month where she says she can breathe perfectly now and also at one week following rhinoplasty when her splint comes off.
The 70-year-old gentleman has rhinophyma for which he underwent a rhinophyma reduction with Dr. Lam, that entailed cold knife reduction, mechanical dermabrasion, and laser tightening of the skin to correct the textural and shape abnormalities related to this disease process, which is an end stage of acne rosacea. He is shown before and six months after the procedure with notable improvement in the contour and the quality of skin. This example is one of the most minor cases that Dr. Lam has performed for rhinophyma.
Dr. Sam Lam talks to his patient one week out from cosmetic otoplasty, or cosmetic ear pinning. He also talks about and performs a short treatment of Botox to correct any degree of postoperative discomfort the patient has. In this case the patient had difficulty sleeping on the right side. That was immediately corrected with his treatment. Before and after photographs are also attached.
This 37-year-old Hispanic gentleman is shown before and one year after rhinoplasty and gives his testimonial about his results.
Dallas facial plastic surgeon Dr. Sam Lam’s patient gives her testimonial one month following correction of her bad rhinoplasty scar from a rhinoplasty performed elsewhere.
This 28-year-old woman is shown before and one year after a unilateral left ear otoplasty (cosmetic ear pinning).
This 41-year-old Asian woman is shown before and one week after bilateral ptosis repair and fat grafting. This is an early result to show the nature of the recovery period.
This 64-year-old man had a bad prior facelift with bad scarring and an
unnatural result. He is shown before and 1 year after revision face and neck
lift including a deep-plane facelift, partial removal of submandibular
glands and deep fat along with an extended anatomic chin augmentation.
This 38-year-old Indian woman tried to use fillers elsewhere to improve her nasal appearance without success. She underwent dissolving of her fillers then a cosmetic rhinoplasty in which her nasal hump was reduced, tip refined and slightly elevated, and overall proportions balanced for her face. She gives her testimonial of her results with Dr. Lam.
This 58-year-old woman is shown before and 3 months after a deep-plane facelift and a deep neck lift in which Dr. Lam removed deep neck fat (not liposuction), partial shave of her submandibular glands, and some of her deeper digastric muscles, which have no effect on her function. To achieve this kind of result, a standard facelift will not accomplish enough improvement in most cases. She also had her eyebags removed and fat transfer around her eyes only.
This 20-year-old woman is one month after an otoplasty. She shows a good cosmetic result and gives her testimonial about her outcome. Dr. Lam‘s results are very stable over a year and we will follow her progress.
This 68-year-old African-American woman is shown before and one month after an upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty, full face fat transfer, upper lip lift and lower lip advancement and six months after one round of SuperTox.
Facelift/Neck Lift
This 72-year-old lady is shown before and 6 months after a deep-plane face
and neck lift.
This 52-year-old gentleman gives his testimonial at one day after a unilateral, one-sided otoplasty on his left side. This testimonial is accompanied with before and after images. Of note, his left ear is still swollen, and should settle back a slight degree farther over time.
This 36-year-old woman is shown before and six weeks after a rhinoplasty to help straighten her nose, as well as to make her hump better, and her tip more refined. She gives a testimonial about her results. She underwent a composite hump reduction, osteotomies, along with a right spreader graft, lateral turn-in flaps, lateral crural strut grafts, caudal septal extension graft, septoplasty, and a modified tongue-in-groove technique among other techniques. She should have ongoing refinement to the tip and to the bridge over the coming months to year.
This 43-year-old woman is shown before and four months after an upper blepharoplasty procedure with good aesthetic results.
The 61-year-old woman is shown before and 7 months after a fat transfer, deep-plane facelift, and deep neck lift. Dr. Lam‘s expertise is not only attaining a seamlessly natural result with no visible scarring but also achieving a much improved jawline as well as neck contour by sculpting the deep neck structures in addition to elevating the tissues in a natural yet significant way. Somehow the frontal view was not photographed at this visit and the patient is from out of town but that view will be captured on her next visit. Watch her testimonial.
Chin Augmentation
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This 33-year-old gentleman is shown before and one week after a chin augmentation.
This 29-year-old woman had a traumatic injury leading to severe nasal
breathing issues but she also did not like her nasal hump or her hanging and
broad nasal tip. She is shown before and 3 months after functional and
cosmetic rhinoplasty with significant improvement in her appearance and her
This 38-year-old Asian man was bothered with the asymmetry of his ears and
how his left ear protruded outwards more than his right. He is shown before
and 1 year after a unilateral left otoplasty.
This 47-year-old woman is shown before and one week after an upper blepharoplasty procedure performed in the office under local anesthesia. The pain is very minimal, and the recovery is very short with this procedure.
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47–year-old who is shown before and approximately 1 year after fat grafting and deep-plane facelift.
The 69-year-old gentleman is shown before and four years after a deep-plane facelift with a good aesthetic result that has been well maintained.
Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty
This 56-year-old Asian woman had a prior rhinoplasty performed elsewhere with a silicone implant and had 2 subsequent revisions. This was her fourth revision rhinoplasty showing a contracted nasal tip, asymmetry, and a tip to bridge ratio that did not look natural. She also had collapsing nasal walls during inspiration. She underwent removal of her prior implant, lateral turn-in flaps, lateral alar wall graft support, caudal septal extension graft to derotate and project her nasal tip, nasal sill reduction, a diced rib graft to rebuild the dorsum of her nose. She is shown before and 3 months after her surgery. She should continue to look better over time.
Dallas Facial Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Sam Lam’s patient gives his audio testimonial eight months following a chin augmentation.
This 39-year-old male patient is 1-day post after a bilateral Otoplasty.
This 35-year-old woman is shown before and one week after an upper blepharoplasty procedure done at the office under local anesthesia. She is still swollen but shows how much improvement there is aesthetically as well as how short the recovery time is for this procedure and Dr. Lam’s hands.
This 30-year-old Asian woman gives her a testimonial three months following a lower-eyelid transconjunctival blepharoplasty and periorbital fat grafting/fat transfer with Dr. Sam Lam, Facial Plastic Surgeon in Dallas, Texas.
This 58-year-old woman had a deep neck lift (reduction of her submandibular glands, digastrics, and deep neck fat), along with a deep-plane facelift and she is shown before and 5 months afterward. Of note, the deep neck lift has also helped define the jawline by narrowing the bulk in the neck.
Primary Facial Fat Transfer
This patient underwent a full facial fat transfer to restore lost volume to your face and shown before after the procedure.
Chin Augmentation
This Asian woman is shown before and five months after a medium extended anatomic chin implant was performed to improve the contour of her neck. She had previous Kybella performed elsewhere with no result. There was no fat to remove from the neck during the procedure but she is shown with a much better neck profile due to the chin implant.
#chinimplant #chinimplants #chinimplantsurgery #chinaugmentation #chinaugmentationsurgery #weakchin #smallchin #lfpdallas
23-year-old Hispanic woman shown before and 6 months after aesthetic rhinoplasty and extra-large, extended-anatomic silicone chin implant. She underwent nasal tip defatting, lateral turn-in flaps, a right caudal septal extension graft, separate domal sutures nasal sill reduction, and lateral refining osteotomies. Ethnic rhinoplasty is one of the toughest to perform because typically with super thick skin there is not much a discernible difference. Over reduction of the cartilages causes the tip to look more bulbous. Pushing the cartilages too far into the thick skin may make the tip look too large. A tip graft and also a radix graft to balance the nasal tip were attempted during the surgery but it left a less than desirable result and were abandoned. She also gives a video testimonial of her life-changing experience.
This 53-year-old gentleman is shown before and one year after otoplasty to improve the slight protuberance and asymmetry (albeit not 100%, which is impossible).
This 39-year-old gentleman is shown before and one year after a deep neck lift in which Dr. Lam sculpted his submandibular glands, digastric muscles, and subplatysmal fat to achieve a favorable cosmetic neck and jawline result. No neck liposuction was performed, and he did not have any lateral facelifting performed either.
Chin Augmentation
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This is a 33-year-old Asian male who is shown 3 weeks after having a chin implant.
Primary Facial Fat Transfer
This woman is shown before and after a periorbital fat transfer and a facelift.
This 25-year-old is shown seven weeks after a rhinoplasty with Dr. Lam. He had trauma to his nose from sports as a teenager and difficulty breathing from the left side of his nose and did not like how asymmetric his nasal tip, bridge, and nasal base appear. He also has a saddle nose deformity with a collapse nasal bridge.
Otoplasty (Cosmetic Ear Reshaping)
This 21-year-old young woman is shown before and after a reductive cosmetic otoplasty or cosmetic ear pinning to reduce the flare of her left ear only. She shows pre-existing ear asymmetry which is improved postoperatively by performing a unilateral, or one-sided otoplasty. It is impossible to get the two sides the same but asymmetry can be improved in Dr. Lam’s hands.
This 44-year-old patient is shown before, one week after, and one month after her upper blepharoplasty procedure. She also gives a testimonial at one week about her results so far.
Otoplasty (Cosmetic Ear Reshaping)
This 31-year-old patient of Dr. Lam is shown before and six months following an otoplasty/ear surgery. He was bothered by the prominence of his ears even though the degree of protrusion would be considered minimal by others. Dr. Lam is skilled at performing subtle otoplasty being able to bring the ears back without overpinning them.
This 25-year-old woman was born with a larger nasal tip and large nasal hump who also sustained nasal trauma making her nose crooked and she had difficulty breathing. She underwent a septo-rhinoplasty to correct a severely deviated septum, especially in the posterior bony area, a dorsal
hump reduction, nasal tip refinement using lateral turn-in flaps, a caudal septal extension graft plus tongue-in-groove at the nasal spine, along with other refinements. She gives a testimonial about her hair results.
This 56-year-old woman is shown before one month after upper blepharoplasty procedure. This is an office base procedure under local anesthesia with minimal pain and recovery as performed by Dr. Lam
This 42-year-old patient is shown before and 6 months after transconjunctival lower-eyelid blepharoplasty with fat grafting to his upper and lower eyelids and temple regions.
This 52-year-old woman underwent a deep-plane facelift and deep neck lift, which involves reduction of her submandibular glands and digastric muscles of her neck to reduce the bulk of her neck along with elevation of her jawline. She is shown before and 9 months after her procedure.
Chin Augmentation
This is a 23-year-old male who is shown 2 months after having a chin implant.
This patient is the identical twin of Patient 16764.
Otoplasty (Cosmetic Ear Reshaping)
This 36-year-old female is shown before and 10-months after a reductive cosmetic otoplasty or cosmetic ear pinning to reduce the flare of her ears.
This 50-year-old Asian gentleman is shown before and one year after a revision rhinoplasty and chin augmentation. Before, he had a silicone implant that caused a contracted, distorted nasal tip as well as an under augmented nasal bridge that showed shrink wrapping of the implant. Dr. Lam rotated his nasal tip downward to camouflage his nostrils and to create a more masculine profile that was natural in appearance. He also corrected the asymmetric nostrils. He used diced rib cartilage with Tisseel to build the bridge and a caudal septal extension graft to define the nasal tip and to lower and lengthen the nasal tip in a secure way.
This 59-year-old gentleman is shown before and 14 months after an upper and lower blepharoplasty, fat grafting, and hair transplant. He gives a testimonial about his results.
This 53-year-old woman underwent a deep-plane facelift, upper and lower blepharoplasty, and fat grafting. She also gives a testimonial 6 months after these procedures.
Primary Facial Fat Transfer
Full Facial Fat Transfer
Patient Shown One Year After A Single Session Fat Tranfer. Fat Transfer Procedure Photos By Dr Samuel Lam.
Otoplasty (Cosmetic Ear Reshaping)
This 42-year-old man from California is shown before and one day after a unilateral one-sided otoplasty of his left ear. He had mainly a lop ear and a little bit of a cup ear as well. He states he has newfound confidence now.
This 19-year-old patient of Dr. Lam is shown before and one year and a half following a rhinoplasty/nose job.
47–year-old who is shown before and approximately 1 year after fat grafting and deep-plane facelift.
This 43-year-old woman is shown before and after an upper blepharoplasty performed in the office under local anesthesia and she gives her testimonial about her results.
Chin Augmentation
This is a 57-year-old woman who is shown after having a chin implant surgery.
Otoplasty (Cosmetic Ear Reshaping)
This gentleman had a prior otoplasty performed elsewhere after which he could not wear eyeglasses because the ears were too tight, especially the right side. He also needed to hold his ear out from his head when he was getting a haircut. In addition, he had a nonhealing ulcer on the surface of the right ear. Because his ears were overpinned, his head looked larger, and also his earlobes protruded unnaturally outward. He also had an asymmetric result. He underwent a revision otoplasty using skin grafts from the back of the left ear to be used behind the right ear and some in the front of the right ear where there was a non-healing ulcer. He also had a skin graft from the bottom of the right ear placed behind the top of his left ear. Also a significant amount of scar tissue was released. He now has a more symmetric result. He has what is known as “helical show” where you can see the helical rim from the frontal view. He can wear glasses now and he can also get a haircut without pulling his ear outward. His non-healing ulcer is now healed too. His earlobes, ears, and face are much more balanced as well.
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job, Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty
This 40-year-old woman is shown before and 16 months after a revision rhinoplasty. She was unhappy with the appearance of her nasal tip and she could not breathe from the left side of her nose. During the procedure a left spreader graft was placed so that now she can breathe well. She also had her previous nasal tip graft removed that was causing the distortion and asymmetry to her nasal tip. Her columella that was buckled was straightened. However, she does have a small residual deviation of the nasal tip that was not entirely corrected. She also had dice cartilage wrapped with mastoid fascia and placed onto the over-resected middle nasal vault. She also had her nasal bones realigned and straightened.
This 36-year-old woman is shown before and 1 year after an extended deep-plane facelift, deep neck lift, and medium chin implant. Dr. Lam’s deep neck lift involves sculpting the deep neck structures including the deep fat compartment, digastric muscles, and partial shave of the submandibular glands. For individuals below 40 years of age, he can perform an isolated deep neck lift without the deep-plane facelift but this individual already showed early jowling, so he felt that it would be more preventative to perform a combined deep-plane facelift as well.
Primary Facial Fat Transfer, Mole Removal and Facial Excisions
Facial Fat Transfer[raw]
[/raw]Mole Removal Photo (Nose)Mole Removal And Facial Excisions Procedures By Dr Samuel Lam
Chin Augmentation
This is a 33-year-old man shown two months after having a chin implant and neck lipocontouring.
Otoplasty (Cosmetic Ear Reshaping)
This young woman is shown before and 1.5 years after a reductive cosmetic otoplasty or cosmetic ear pinning to reduce the flare of her ears. She had a lop ear deformity correction. She shows pre-existing ear asymmetry which is improved but not entirely eliminated postoperatively.
#otoplasty #otoplastysurgery #bigear #earreduction #cosmeticearsurgery
21-year-old Asian woman who is shown before and 1 month after cosmetic rhinoplasty that provided subtle but dramatic improvement in the balance of her nose.
This 43-year-old woman is shown before and 3 months after a deep-plane facelift and deep neck lift in which Dr. Lam skillfully reduced the excessive deep neck fat, digastric muscles, and submandibular glands, as well as lifted her neck and jawline with a deep-plane facelift in order to achieve the optimal aesthetic results for this patient. Liposuction alone not only fails but can also lead to more problems, which Dr. Lam is absolutely opposed to doing. She should continue to show ongoing improvement in the coming months. She gives her life-changing video testimonial as well.
Chin Augmentation
Cheek Enhancement and Cheek Augmentation Photo. Cheek And Chin Enhancement Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam
Otoplasty (Cosmetic Ear Reshaping)
This 21-year-old patient of Dr. Lam is shown before and 5 weeks after an otoplasty/ear surgery.
The 67-year-old gentleman is two years out from a facelift procedure with good results. He is only allowing us to use a close-up of his ears to show how seamlessly the scars heal in a pre-tragal design. Pre-tragal means that the incision is made in front of the ear instead of inside the ear, which sometimes must be done for men based on the texture of the tragus, as well as whether there is a lot of hair bearing tissue.
This 55-year-old woman is shown before and one year after an upper and lower blepharoplasty and fat grafting with good aesthetic rejuvenation.
Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty
Corrective Rhinoplasty
This Young Lady Sustained A Volleyball Accident That Led To An Even Larger Hump Than What She Already Had. Preserving A Strong Dorsal Profile But Reducing This Large Hump Softens Her Appearance And Gives Her More Of A Feminine Look That Is Completely Natural In Appearance. Corrective Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam
Otoplasty (Cosmetic Ear Reshaping)
This gentleman had a lop ear, cup ear, and earlobe reduction and is shown before and after his procedure.
Fat Grafting
This 56-year-old female is shown one week after an entirely incisionless surgery: fat transfer to the upper and lower eyelids and no-incision lower eyelid blepharoplasty along with lower-eyelid CO2 fractionated laser, and micro liposuction of her jowls.
This 56-year-old woman is shown before and after an office-based upper blepharoplasty (upper cosmetic eyelid procedure) done totally awake with minimal downtime and discomfort. Look for her video and photos taken at a week to see how fast the recovery is.
This 61-year-old woman gives her testimonial one month following a full-face fat transfer, upper and lower blepharoplasty, deep-plane facelift, and deep neck lift including partial resection of her submandibular glands, digastrics, and sub-platysmaplal fat. Why do a deep neck lift on a thin neck? Because it allows a better sculpted neck without hollowing out the neck and also the glands would have become visible as two golf balls in the neck after a standard facelift that tightens around these structures. She will continue to show improvement in the coming months.
Primary Facial Fat Transfer
Fat Transfer
Patient Is Shown 16 Months Out After A Single Session Of Fat Transfer. She Also Received Botox Over That Period Of Time. Fat Transfer Procedure Photos By Dr Samuel Lam.
Otoplasty (Cosmetic Ear Reshaping)
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This is a 28 year old male who had an Otoplasty 7 months ago.
This 53-year-old patient is shown two weeks and a half following an upper blepharoplasty (upper eyelid surgery). The procedure was performed awake in the office with minimal discomfort.
This 64-year-old man had a bad prior facelift with bad scarring and an unnatural result. He is shown before and 1 year after revision face and neck lift including a deep-plane facelift, partial removal of submandibular glands and deep fat along with an extended anatomic chin augmentation.
Primary Facial Fat Transfer, Mole Removal and Facial Excisions, Skin Resurfacing
Facial Fat Transfer
This Individual Underwent 3 Procedures: Full Facial Fat Transfer (Of Course), Plasma Skin Resurfacing, And Left Facial Mole Removal. It Is Important That Those Individuals Who Consider Plasma Skin Resurfacing To Understand That Deeper Folds And Wrinkles… Fat Transfer Procedure Photos By Dr Samuel Lam
Mole Removal Photo (Facial)
Mole Removal And Facial Excisions Procedures By Dr Samuel Lam
Skin Resurfacing
Skin Resurfacing Procedure Photos By Dr Samuel Lam
Otoplasty (Cosmetic Ear Reshaping)
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This is a 29-year-old woman shown 9 months after having an Otoplasty.
Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty
This woman underwent a revision (corrective) rhinoplasty with Dr. Sam Lam after experiencing a failed attempt at previous rhinoplasty. She is shown before and after her surgery that required a hump reduction, tip refinement, and tongue-in-groove technique to improve the relationship between the ala and the columella (hanging columella).
Take a look at this 50-year-old woman is shown before and one week after an upper blepharoplasty procedure, and she gives a testimonial about her experience with Dr. Lam.
Chin Augmentation
Chin Augmentation Photo (Medium Chin Implant With Neck Liposuction And Lipocontouring)
Photo Of Medium Chin Implant With Neck Liposuction And Lipocontouring. Cheek And Chin Enhancement Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam.
Primary Facial Fat Transfer, Skin Resurfacing
Facial Fat Transfer
This Individual Underwent A Conservative Upper Eyelid Procedure (Some Skin Removal), Plasma Skin Resurfacing And Full Facial Fat Transfer. If You Notice, It Looks As If She Needs A Browlift, But That Is A Mistake. Low Brows Are Feminine And Youthful. Fat Transfer Procedure Photos By Dr Samuel Lam.
Skin Resurfacing
Skin Resurfacing Procedure Photos By Dr Samuel Lam
Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty
Corrective Rhinoplasty Photo (Over Resected, Over Scooped And Collapsed Nose)
This A Photo Of A Woman Who Underwent Previous Rhinoplasty Leading To An Over Resected, Over Scooped And Collapsed Nose. Corrective Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam
Otoplasty (Cosmetic Ear Reshaping)
This is a 15-year-old boy who is shown 1 year and 5 months after his Otoplasty.
This 56-year-old patient is shown before and six months after an upper blepharoplasty/eyelid surgery. The procedure was performed awake in the office with minimal discomfort and recovery time.
Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty
Corrective Rhinoplasty
This 16 Year Old Boy Sustained A Nasal Fracture When He Was Much Younger With A Resultant Saddle Nose Deformity. He Is Shown After Reconstruction Of The Nose Using Ear And Nasal Cartilage. Corrective Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam
Otoplasty (Cosmetic Ear Reshaping)
Sometimes otoplasty should be very subtle. This gentleman did not want to have a very dramatic difference because his ears were not very bad to begin with. The key with good otoplasty is to keep overall good form and also what is known as helical show. That means that from the frontal view you can still see the curvature of his helical outer rim without it being hidden. That would be a telltale sign of overdone ear pinning.
This 51-year-old with early signs of aging in her jawline and neck before surgery is shown before and 5 months after a facelift with notable improvement in her lower face and neck.
Chin Augmentation
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Chin Enhancement Photo ( Large Implant, With Neck Liposuction)
Primary Facial Fat Transfer
Facial Fat Transfer
This Patient Is Shown 1 Year Following A Single Session Of Fat Transfer. She Has Also Undergone 2 Years Of Consecutive Botox Treatments And Is Shown About 3 Months After Her Last Botox Treatment, Meaning That Her Botox Has Almost Completely Faded But Her Skin Has Achieved Remarkable Long Term Rejuvenation. Fat Transfer Procedure Photos By Dr Samuel Lam.
This 47-year-old female is shown before and six weeks after an upper blepharoplasty/ eyelid surgery.
Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty
Corrective Rhinoplasty Photo (Traumatic Nose Injury)
The Photo Of This Woman Sustained A Traumatic Nose Injury In Youth And Is Shown With A Crooked Nose As Well As An Unaesthetic, Bulbous Nasal Tip. Corrective Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam.
Otoplasty (Cosmetic Ear Reshaping)
Ear Reshaping (Otoplasty) Correction Of Mild Cup And Lop Ear Deformity
Correction Of Mild Cup And Lop Ear Deformity Frontal View By Dr Samuel.
56-year-old patient is shown before and one months after an upper blepharoplasty/eyelid surgery. The procedure was performed awake in the office with minimal discomfort and recovery time.
This 53-year-old woman underwent a deep-plane facelift, upper and lower blepharoplasty, and fat grafting. She also gives a testimonial 6 months after these procedures.
The 64-year-old woman is shown before and one year after a deep-plane facelift and a deep neck lift (the latter of which improved the bulk of her neck by reducing the submanidibular glands). She also had a full facial fat grafting and an upper and lower blepharoplasty procedure. She gives a testimonial at one year about her results.
Chin Augmentation
Chin Enhancement Photo (Large Chin Implant)
Cheek And Chin Enhancement Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam
Primary Facial Fat Transfer
Facial Fat Transfer
I Performed A Lower Blepharoplasty (Removal Of Fat Bag) Along With A Full Facial Fat Transfer. Removing A Little Of The Fat Bag And Putting Fat Back Into The Hollow Lower Eyelid Bony Rim Were Important To Achieve The Best Result In This Woman. Fat Transfer Procedure Photos By Dr Samuel Lam.
Otoplasty (Cosmetic Ear Reshaping)
Female Otoplasty Before And After Photo
Female Otoplasty Before And After Photo By Dr Samuel Lam
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job
This 34-year-old Asian patient is shown before and one week after her cosmetic rhinoplasty with Dr. Lam. She had nasal-tip refinement with a caudal septal extension graft, lateral turn-in flaps, domal sutures, and bridge elevation and refinement with diced rib graft with Tisseel. She also had a nasal-sill reduction to narrow her nostrils.
This 59-year-old patient of Dr. Lam is shown six months following a facelift with notable improvement in her lower face and neck.
Corrective Facial Fat Transfer
Corrective Facial Fat Transfer
This 63 Year Old Patient Had Surgical Procedures That Made Her Look Artificial. She Underwent A Fat Transfer 1 Year Ago For Rejuvenation Purposes But Also To Correct Previous Bad Browlift And Facelift Surgeries.
Otoplasty (Cosmetic Ear Reshaping)
Otoplasty (Correction Of Cup Ear And Lop Ear Deformity)
Otoplasty Correction Of Cup Ear And Lop Ear Deformity By Dr Samuel Lam
Eyelid Rejuvenation
This 51-year-old woman is shown before and 2 months following an upper blepharoplasty, or cosmetic upper eyelid procedure with good aesthetic result.
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job
This 27-year-old rhinoplasty patient is shown before and 5 months afterward. She had a hump reduction, asymmetric nostril correction, nasal tip refinement, and hanging columella correction using a tongue-in-groove technique. Of note, she had a traumatic scar on the bridge of her nose that she did not want changed.
This 50-year-old woman from Arkansas is shown before and six months following a facelift.
Primary Facial Fat Transfer
Facial Fat Transfer And Upper Blepharoplasty
This Patient Is Shown 5 Years After Fat Transfer And Upper Blepharoplasty. She Has Received Botox And Filler Injections As Well Since Then. Watch Her Video Testimonial And Her Video Recovery Diary. Fat Transfer Procedure Photos By Dr Samuel Lam.
Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty
Corrective Rhinoplasty Photo (3 Prior Rhinoplasties To Correct His Deviated Nasal Bridge From Previous Trauma)
This Young Man Underwent 3 Prior Rhinoplasties To Correct His Deviated Nasal Bridge From Previous Trauma, All Without Success. Corrective Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam.
Otoplasty (Cosmetic Ear Reshaping)
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Otoplasty Photo Childs Ear Reshaping
Childs Ear Reshaping Otoplasty By Dr Samuel Lam
This 63-year-old female is shown before and ten months after a facelift and chin implant with Dr. Lam.
Chin Augmentation
Chin Enhancement Photo (Large Chin Implant, Trimmed Smaller)
Cheek And Chin Enhancement Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam
Otoplasty (Cosmetic Ear Reshaping)
Otoplasty Before And After Photo of Patient. Otoplasty Before And After Photo By Dr. Samuel Lam
Botox, Chin Augmentation
This 27-year-old woman is shown before and after a large extended chin implant, neck lipocontouring, as well as Botox jaw reduction to reduce the outer width of her face.
Primary Facial Fat Transfer, Facelift/Neck Lift
This 54-year-old female is shown before and 6 months after having a facelift and fat transfer.
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job
This 42-year-old African-American woman is shown before and one week after rhinoplasty. Dr. Lam performed a tongue-in-groove technique to elevate her nasal tip securely and predictably along with a nasal-hump removal and nasal-tip refinement. There is still considerable swelling in the nose, especially in the nasal tip area, that will continue to dissipate in the coming weeks.
Eyelid Rejuvenation
This 38-year-old woman is shown before and 1 month after an upper blepharoplasty (upper eyelid surgery). The procedure was performed awake in the office with minimal discomfort and recovery time.