

Dr. Sam Lam - Lam Facial Plastics, Plano, TX


Dr. Sam Lam - Lam Facial Plastics, Plano, TX

Natural, Passionate, Specialized.

"I see every patient with an artistic eye"

Natural, Passionate, Specialized.

"I see every patient with an artistic eye"

Natural, Passionate, Specialized.

"I see every patient with an artistic eye"

Natural, Passionate, Specialized.

"I see every patient with an artistic eye"

Natural, Passionate, Specialized.

"I see every patient with an artistic eye"

Natural, Passionate, Specialized.

"I see every patient with an artistic eye"

Natural, Passionate, Specialized.

"I see every patient with an artistic eye"

Natural, Passionate, Specialized.

"I see every patient with an artistic eye"

Natural, Passionate, Specialized.

"I see every patient with an artistic eye"

Case# 14260

Procedures performed by facial plastic surgeon Dr. Sam Lam in Dallas, Frisco and Plano, TX.

Injectable Fillers

Filler To Face
This 47 Year Old Woman Has Been Getting Filler And Botox For Only 6 Months But You Can Already See A Great Improvement In Her Volume And Wrinkles. Injectable Fillers Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam