Saving A Friend: When Maybe You Should Tell Someone You Had Plastic Surgery I had a patient of mine in whom I had done facial fillers and Botox treatments over a period of two years. In a word, she looked fabulous. At 47 years of age she looked like she was in her...
Category Archives: Plastic Surgery General Thoughts
Why I don’t use Sculptra
Why I don’t use Sculptra First, let me say that I truly do not believe Sculptra is a bad product. In fact, I have many trusted colleagues who use it and use it well. However, I have used it in the past but I do not anymore for several reasons. The motivation behind...
Mastery Is An Asymptote: My Plastic Surgery Journey
Mastery Is An Asymptote: My Plastic Surgery Journey I am constantly refining my work so that you have a better and better result every time you see me. An example is I started to use microcannulas for facial fillers in November 2010. Since that time I have advanced...
Understanding the Role of Artistry in Cosmetic Surgery and Enhancement
Understanding the Role of Artistry in Cosmetic Surgery and Enhancement One of the greatest compliments that I received was from an Italian plastic surgeon who flew from Italy trusting me to work on his wife’s face, which I performed in front of him. I undertook a fat...
The Road to Mastery in Plastic Surgery is an Asymptote
The Road to Mastery in Plastic Surgery is an Asymptote The author Malcolm Gladwell argues that you need 10,000 hours doing something to become a master at it. An example is to be a world-class chess player who no matter how good he is or could be does not achieve...
Forgiveness in Cosmetic Surgery
Forgiveness in Cosmetic Surgery Many times I have individuals who come to me who are very depressed about a previous cosmetic surgery procedure that they elected to have done. I can see that for me to help them with anything new that I would first have to help them...
Globalization of Beauty: Trends and Concepts
Globalization of Beauty: Trends and Concepts The traditional view on beauty has focused on the standard of the Caucasian, Nordic race. In the past two decades the trend has been to incorporate many models of mixed heritage. In fact, with the growing acceptance of...
Flow and Passion in Facial Plastic Surgery
Flow and Passion in Facial Plastic Surgery The Hungarian psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi came up with the concept of flow, the time when skills and passion intersect and the person gets lost in his work. Think of a great sports player who is completely in sync...
When to Say No: Understanding Limits of Plastic Surgery
When to Say No: Understanding Limits of Plastic Surgery I had a longstanding patient in whom I had done 5 rounds of micro silicone injections into her lips. Her results were stunning, natural, and feminine. She came back a year afterward wanting more. I humbly...
Trusting My Expertise in Facial Plastic Surgery
Trusting My Expertise in Facial Plastic Surgery I was giving a lecture a few years ago in Hilton Head when the surgeon before me who is about 30 years older than I am said, “Give a patient what they want not what they need.” I went on stage right after him and said,...