Downturned Corners of the Mouth: How To Fix Them One of the banes of women's existence is the downturned corners of the mouth. Whether they are mildly present or severe, almost every woman regardless of age is overly focused on them to their own detriment. I often...
Category Archives: lip correction
Understanding The Importance of Lip Transitions When Creating Natural Looking Lips
Understanding The Importance of Lip Transitions When Creating Natural Looking Lips I have been thinking about transitions from the red lip to the non-red lip because of two women that I saw in the past few days. First, there was a woman who came from Oklahoma that...
Concerns After Lip Reduction Surgery
Concerns After Lip Reduction: Revisited Since I perform a very large number of lip reductions, I have worked hard to discuss with individuals all of the risks, complications, and recovery issues that I can imagine and that I have experienced over the years. This blog...
Lip Reduction/Correction Testimonial 1 Year Out for Bad Silicone Injection
Jody, Dr. Lam's patient, gives her testimonial 1 year after her upper and lower lip reduction procedure and talks about how it has changed her life.
Megan Fox Lip Surgery
Megan Fox’s Lips In general, I am not opposed to a more aggressive policy with lip augmentation for women in their late teenage to early twenties. A full set of lips can actually look natural in this narrow window of time. However, even by the late twenties when the...
Lips and Teeth: Relationships that are Important When Planning for Lip Augmentation
Lips and Teeth: Relationships that are Important When Planning for Lip Augmentation The number one concern that most women have when they visit a plastic surgeon when it comes to lip size is “Please make my upper lip bigger, but I don’t want it to look unnatural.” ...
Lip Enhancement: Why I Hate Solid Implants in Lips
Lip Enhancement: Why I Hate Solid Implants in Lips Beautiful lip enhancement can make a woman look more alluring and feminine. However, we all know that lips can be the most overdone element of a face, drawing unwanted attention to how unnatural they appear. I...
Who is a Candidate for Lip Reduction
Who is a Candidate for Lip Reduction Our society has been deluged with desires for lip augmentation or enlargement but who is a good candidate to have his or her lips reduced? There are two principle groups of people desiring lip reduction. The first group includes...
Lip Correction Testimonial
Dear Dr. Lam, It would be impossible to fully convey my appreciation for what you have done for me. You have in essence given me back my smile; a gift that is priceless. For so long, I felt terribly self-conscience about my mouth whether I was smiling, laughing, or...
Lip Correction/Reduction Testimonial
I made the terrible mistake several years ago to allow myself to be persuaded by a very well known plastic surgeon to have gortex implants put in my lips. The ironic thing is, I wasn’t even there for that but he suggested it and I figured he knew what would look the...